Fasten your seatbelts, and do not feed the rabid monkey.īlack Mesa Transit System: Do not attempt to open the doors until the train has come to a complete halt at the station platform.īlack Mesa Transit System: Failure to comply may result in limb loss.īlack Mesa Transit System. He later posted a cover of "I got High", again as Kleiner, which ends with the Resonance Cascade occurring because he was high as a kite.īlack Mesa Transit System: Please keep your limbs inside the train at all times.Not the game proper, but the voice actor for Kleiner posted this video of him singing Sir Mixalot's "Baby Got Back" in the Kleiner voice.You may get a feeling that someone in development had a thing for Freeman's Mind given that fried chicken joke was in that series.Lambda Core: And in the end, it was all just a crazy, radiation induced, nightmare!

Forget About Freeman: The 2008 finincial crisis was simply a cover for the repair costs of the Black Mesa facility. Surface Tension: Look carefully for the hang gliding mini game in the cliffside level! Questionable Ethics: Please remain stationary, while we remove your internal organs. Residue Processing: Tryouts for the Black Mesa swim team every Tuesday and Thursday. If Gordon had to face more than 3-4 at once, he never would have made it to Xen. Apprehension: Luckily, the Female Assassins were in short supply. On A Rail: Good thing Gordon was around, or the scientists would have been forced to unleash droves of monkeys to press the rocket launch button. Power Up: The tunnel system smelled like fried chicken for months afterward. Blast Pit: There's an alien tentacle in my soup. Oh, what? A bullet with my name on it? Cool!! We've Got Hostiles: Hey guys, thanks for the rescue. Office Complex: Unbeknownst to the staff, the cafeteria had been serving bullsquid for years. Unforeseen Consequences: This is what happens when you 'force' a computer to divide by zero. Anomalous Materials: Someone explain to me why Gordon's job inside the test chamber, couldn't have been done by a robot, or even a monkey.

Inbound: Welcome to Black Mesa! Where hazardous chemical spills are a daily occurrence! More Gallows Humor combined with a little bit of Too Dumb to Live, the things the scientists say while attempting to hail the incoming soldiers before getting shot dead can be chuckle-worthy, but then there's the one guy who says "Take me with you! I'm the one man who knows everything!".Ironically, he gets mounted by another headcrab right behind his back while celebrating his victory too early. With a little bit of Gallows Humor, there's a part where a scientist manages to stop a headcrab by smashing it with a monitor.Sort of like how Kleiner didn't know if Gordon was alive or dead until he saw him. And then, of course, there's Kleiner's aforementioned "Schrödinger's cat" comment, referring to a famous thought experiment that involves a cat in a box simultaneously being alive and dead until observed.Another says, "By Becquerel's ghost! The radiation levels are off the charts!" A becquerel (named after Henri Becquerel) is a unit of radioactivity.One says, "Maxwell's demon! It's cold in here!" Maxwell's demon is a thought experiment that involves a hypothetical "demon" making one side of a container hotter and the other colder * ( without additional energy input, thus decreasing entropy in an isolated system and violating the Second Law of Thermodynamics).Other such jargon-y expressions are used by various scientists - and as a Genius Bonus, they all have something to do with what the scientist is commenting on:.